Friday, February 15, 2008

How did Human Come About in China

The reading materials in this third-grade book cover a lot of Chinese legends. Here is one about Nv Wa, who was the creator of human being. It tied in nicely with the a previous one about Pang Gu, who had created the world.

My daughter's translation:

Nü Wā Makes People

It is said that the sky and ground were separated by Pán Gǔ. The big mountains and rivers, forests and flowers, wind, clouds, rain, and snow on the world were also made by Pán Gǔ. But, there were no people at that time. Then, how did people appear?

Well, the people were made by the goddess Nü Wā who mended the sky. Nü Wā heard that Pán Gǔ separated the sky from the ground, and she wanted to look at the world herself. She came to the world, saw the world was very good, and liked it a lot. But, she looked and looked, and it seemed to her that it was missing something. She thought, let me help the world, and let the world become even better.

Nü Wā picked up a piece of yellow dirt from the ground, kneaded it with her hands, and made a little person. She carefully made a nose, eyes, and a mouth for the little person. After that, she placed the little person on the ground, and patted his shoulder. The little person hopped, jumped, and started to play. Just like that, Nü Wā made more of the people non-stop. One by one, the little people ran and yelled by Nü Wā’s feet. The world quickly became very noisy. Suddenly, Nü Wā thought, “If I make people one by one, it will be too slow. What method will make it faster?” She found a rope, dipped it into the yellow dirt, and swung it powerfully. As soon as the dirt dropped on the ground, the dirt became people. Nü Wā swung and swung, and made tons of little people. The little people slowly became big people, and the big people had a lot of kids. So, the world had more and more people.
The Chinese original:





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