Saturday, May 12, 2007

No Class This Weekend

This is a busy weekend for us. My daughter's spring soccer season came to an end. we had the season finale game in the morning and a team party in the afternoon.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. We will go to see the musical, Pirates of Penzance. My daughter is doing the same musical in her school and very excited about it. It's nice to get to see a professional production of the same show while she is doing her school production.

It's always a great advantage of home schooling that we can take a weekend off when we need to. On the other hand, we have also decided to not having any long summer breaks like the local schools do. We will continue on with our classes throughout summer as usual, taking occasional breaks when we need to.

With the pace we are doing, we could catch up with her grade level within another year. That is, by the time she starts 5th grade in her regular school, next year in the Fall, we could be starting the 5th grade Chinese textbook as well. This prospect is already having my daughter excited. Hopefully it will keep her motivated as a nice goal to achieve.

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